(CAAS) Course Outline Niagara Auctions Inc. This course has been developed by an auctioneer who is also a qualified Ontario teacher with over 45 years in the business. Thank you for showing an interest in joining/upgrading yourself in this exciting profession. This unique course has been designed to give an in
depth, hands on study of the Auction, Appraisal and Retail Business.
Sincerely,Whether you are just beginning or have years of experience, this course is for YOU. As you complete the course you will acquire the knowledge it has taken the presenters over forty years to learn. The course is offered in convenient home study units that allow you to progress at your own rate with no time constraints. Your income in this profession, (unlike many others), will be directly proportional to the time and effort you are willing to put forth. Ongoing education, flexibility and a constant striving for knowledge go hand in with you developing your successful business. For success your business must change with the market but more importantly, you must always be aware of your CLIENTS needs, wants and concerns. Remember "Service is your only Business". The money will look after itself! We are looking forward to this opportunity to introduce you to the wonderful world of auctioneering, appraising and retailing. I truly believe the auction method of marketing is the best way to achieve the highest possible prices in the shortest time possible. As you may be aware "The Auction Method" is used to sell the World's most expensive items. Once candidates have shown successful completion of the course they will receive their C.C.A.A. (Certified Canadian Auctioneer and Appraiser) designation. This course is open to working auctioneers and candidates with a minimum Grade 12 Diploma. Refresher and advanced courses will be offered to graduates on an annual basis. If you have any questions prior to, during or after the course ends please do not hesitate to call toll free at 1-800-298-6086 or e-mail doug@niagaraauctions.com Doug Embleton B.A., C.C.A.A. President Doug Embleton Auctions Inc. Member Ontario Secondary Teachers Association Member Ontario Elementary Teachers Association Past Director Greater Ft. Erie Chamber of Commerce Past Director Ontario Auctioneers' Association of Ontario Member National Auctioneers' Association 69 Main Street Lion's Head, Ontario N0H 1W0 Toll Free 1-800-298-6086 www.niagaraauctions.com www.brucepeninsulaauctions.com READERS CHOICE WINNER "NIAGARAS #1 AUCTIONEER" In 1967 Doug Embleton Auctions Inc. began in Ridgeway Ontario, under the registered name of D&L Antiques. By 1991 the business had
developed from a small retail outlet on River Rd. in Niagara Falls to a multi-faceted service related antique, appraisal and auction business incorporated under "Doug
Embleton Auctions Inc.".
The company is family owned and operated. Each sale is treated as though it was their own. The majority of the staff has been employed since the businesses inception and has been trained in all aspects of the business. Doug Embleton Auctions Inc. offers clients full estate service. We confer with our clients explaining the several options to disperse or sell their goods. A/ Tag Sale: The goods are tagged and offered for sale. As the sale progresses the prices are systematically lowered until everything is sold. B/ Auction Sale: All items are sorted and sold by public auction either on site or at an auction hall. On site sales generally net more money than sales in halls. C/ Retail: Specific, important, items may be sold through our retail outlet if the client wishes. Our store is located at 69 main st. Lions Head On N0H 1W0. D/ Real Estate: We have been Niagara's leading Real Estate Auctioneer since "1970". We charge the vendor 0% commission on real estate sales. E/ Appraisals: A complete chattel and real estate service is available. Doug Embleton B.A. Member: RETO, O.S.S.T.F., N.A.A. & Ft. Erie C. of C. Lawyer: Bowman Andrews Estate & Real Estate Sales and Contracts Internet Specialist: Doug Sroka "jengersnap" - E-bay and Computers Auction Computer Software ( executive member of PFW) Professional Organizations National Auctioneers Association Chamber of Commerce Marketing and Promotions Don Willick owner Diamond Promotions Credit Cards and Wireless Banking 1.8 - 1.9% fees through preferred banking TD Trust & C.I.B.C. Health & Insurance Benefits Chamber of Commerce Appraisal Specialists John Corney owner Regional Appraisals, A.A.C.I Real Estate Appraisals Barbara Durley FCGmA, diamond Grading and Appraising Certificate, Tutor for CGA, Brock University Lecturer Leading to the Certified Canadian Auctioneer and Appraiser Designation ☆Part 1: Appraising ☆Part 2: Auctioning. ☆Part 3: Real Estate Auctions Part One: Appraising: $900.00 plus HST 2. Fair Market Value 3. Appraisal Forms 4. Chattels 5. Automobiles (special license) 6. Real Estate CRA, A.A.C.I. (special license) 7. Opinions of Value Part:Two: Auctioning: $2,000.00 plus HST 1. Naming your Company 2. Website, Facebook, Marketplace, Ebay, Kijjiji, etc. 3. What is an Auctioneer? 4. The auction bid or chant 5. Types of auctions 6. Soft Close 7. Original customer contact (information gathering) 8. First in person meeting (Auction Proposal) 9. Front money 10. Taxes (Corporation, Sole Proprietorship, HST) 11. Commissions, Buyer’s Premium 12. Equipment needs and costs 13. Training of staff 14. On Site VS Hall Auctions 15. Sale Preparation & set up for live auctions 16. Online auctions (AuctionFlex, Hi Bid) 17. Conducting a live auction 18. Auction Inclusions and consignments 19. After the auction (client, staff, cleanup, dinners) 20. Banking (Credit & Debit cards, Cheques) 21. Basic Bookkeeping 22. Associations (NAA) 23. Contracts & Forms 24. Advertising (online vs Newspapers etc.) 25. Auction, Tax & Contract Law 26. Chairity Auctions 27. Firearms, Automobiles, Jewellery 28. Inventory Retail store 29. On site mentoring while taking course level 2 & 3 Part 3: Real Estate Auctions: $5000.00 plus HST 1. Ongoing Membership Fees: (.005% on any auction) 2. Websites in addition to your own 3. Real Estate Handbook (update chattel book) 4. Why use an Auctioneer rather than a Real Estate Agent 5. Services: Realtor.ca, Mls, Video Tour, Purple Bricks, Showings 6. Accepting bids (Auction contract differences) Cash, As is where is, Unconditional, 15% non-refundable deposit, Home inspections, Soft closing, Probate, Co-operating Agents fee, Digital singing, Insurance loss, Chattels left in home buy buyer and seller, Lock Box, Trust account for auctioneers, etc. 7. Client and Vendor communication 8. Early acceptance 9. Where do we go from Here? Continued Education and Professional Development 10. C.C.A.A. Certification ( Dues, Auction fees) For further information about our company: www.niagaraauctions.com www.brucepeninsulaauctions.com CCAA wallet identification cards and Graduation Certificates for all successful graduates. Tax deductable receipts given for business expense deduction. Work at home as your personal schedule permits.